It's amazing how some dreams makes some people stand out from the rest and they are called "The Greats" and always remembered as they have made their mark in history.But the wonders that dreams could bring to you also brings you the burden of pain when they are crushed by the hands of hard reality.And it hurts a lot.
The definition of what we dream for differs from person to person, Some one may dream of adventure and some may dream of peace. for some a sail through the roaring ocean or owning a race car may be part of their dream.Some may even dream of wealth and it may never seem enough.
And there are some who dream of peace of mind, And believe me it is the hardest thing you could ever hop for. The state of absolute peace, where you feel nothing but satisfaction about what you are having.
Lost in the present moment and care free about the tomorrow you may or may not have,
to feel the breeze whispering in your ears,
to feel the rain drops quenching nature's thirst,
to feel the beauty of silence.
to feel completely human in this mechanical world,